At SendEx Financial Services we believe that gratitude is one of the great virtues of the Latin American community in the world, that's why since 1988, we strive every day to promote the values that represent our cultural identity.
With effort and dedication, through the products and services we offer, we have strengthened a link between the Spanish-speaking community and all the cultures that are part of Canada.

Passion, respect, constancy, justice based on professional ethics, service attitude, solidarity to the community and acting with honesty and responsibility, are some of our values that drive us to provide welfare to society.

We are convinced that education and civic and ethical training, promoted from childhood, create better societies. For this reason our commitment motivates us every day.


Our mission is to continue strengthening the bond that identifies us with our clients, their families and society. Because we firmly believe that by facilitating our services we are strengthening human relationships, creating a solid bond in which no family will lack sustenance at home, and the children who are part of it, will have the necessary resources to develop a full life based on values.


Our Vision is to elevate to the highest level the social commitment that represents each one of the members of the SendEx Latino Store Corp. family -through Super SendEx- (from staff, business partners and customers), to contribute to the development of British Columbia, Canada, and the entire world. family -through Super SendEx- (from staff, business partners and customers), to contribute to the development of British Columbia, Canada, and the whole world.
